KWE Publishing Newsletter - 02/02/23
Recently, someone asked me what kind of publisher KWE Publishing was. I thought sharing more information about this in our newsletter would be a great opportunity to refresh some of our longtime readers and give our newer readers a chance to get to know more about KWE Publishing!
So, what kind of publisher is KWE Publishing?
KWE Publishing is a hybrid publishing company.
Though every publishing company works a little differently, even if they're both the same "type" of publishers (traditional, hybrid, etc.), hybrid publishing typically combines pieces of traditional publishing and self-publishing, allowing the author to maintain control of their work and be involved throughout the publishing process while still benefitting from working with experienced publishers who assist with behind-the-scenes work.
We're a little biased towards hybrid publishing here at KWE Pub, but we know it isn't for everyone; if you want a more hands-off approach, traditional publishing might be a good route to try, whereas if you want to do all the behind-the-scenes work yourself, you might want to consider self-publishing.
If you're trying to determine whether or not hybrid publishing might be a good option for you, you might be wondering what hybrid publishing looks like for KWE Publishing. Here's a (somewhat) quick run-down:
After vetting an author by reading a sample of their work, an author will pay KWE Publishing for our services, such as editing, formatting, and of course, publishing; since the author is financing the project, this makes it similar to self-publishing in that respect.
Like in traditional publishing, KWE Publishing works with authors to edit, revise, and format their books, similar to traditional publishing. We also offer to connect our authors with PR and marketing experts, illustrators, and designers.
Just as in self-publishing, authors maintain control of their manuscripts, giving them the ability to make changes throughout the process.
Just as in traditional publishing, KWE Publishing helps authors assemble their files and get their books to wholesale distributors.
As in self-publishing, authors often receive higher royalties than they would in traditional publishing spaces.
There's another category of publishers that's sometimes thrown into the mix: vanity publishers. Vanity publishers have individuals pay for the cost to publish their books, and rather than making income from the sale of the books themselves, vanity presses profit from publishing expenses.
For some authors, vanity publishing can be a good way to publish a book in a timely manner. However, vanity publishers can sometimes be costly. There is often a negative connotation with vanity presses due to the high costs associated with them and, in some instances, the prioritization of quantity over quality. Of course, every publishing company is unique, so it's important to take some time and research a publishing company that you're potentially interested in working with!
KWE Publishing varies from vanity presses in a few ways. While some vanity presses publish books in all genres, we tend to primarily publish memoirs/self-development books and children's books, though we have also published fantasy books and poetry. We also always ensure that our authors are a good fit for us—and that we're a good fit for them.
And though KWE Publishing is a publishing company, we do a lot more than that! We're here to help authors throughout the publication process, and we'll meet you where you are—whether that means providing you with book coaching services, ghostwriting, offering consultations, or, of course, publishing your amazing book!
Do you have any questions about KWE Publishing, hybrid publishing, or the publishing industry? Reach out and let us know; we love hearing from you!